Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Holiday Giving Tulsa Style
The group also collected books, magazines, games, toys, CD’s, DVD’s and toiletries to send to Landstuhl Army Base, Germany for hospitalized troops and their families.
Many packets of coupons have been sent to a Navy base in Japan.
This year the chapter assisted Pete Myers, AA mechanic, in collecting and distributing much needed items at two northeast Oklahoma Veterans’ Homes. Pete said, “It’s really sad. Some of those folks who live there haven’t had visitors in months! So, when we take them their gifts, we sit and visit with them awhile.”
Pictured left to right- front - Gin McGlothlin, Dorthy Talley, Stacey Bradshaw and Dan Craft, Chapter Chairman. Middle row - Gene Senger and Deborah Drain, Chapter Secretary. Back row - Deen Burrus and Bob Trimble. Also helping volunteer were Phil Francis, John and Marcia Clark.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Honoring Veteran's Day 2009 in North Carolina
That email prompted a week long post card drive at RDU. The week began with a kick off ceremony in the American and American Eagle gate area with words from Daniel Mitchell, AA General Manager, and singing of the National Anthem by Janice Fletcher, SERO employee. Customers all throughout the terminal stood still with their hands over their hearts as our National Anthem was sung. Between our employees and customers 1,000 postcards were signed to be sent to our deployed troops.
The SERO celebrated Veteran’s Day with a membership drive and bake sale fundraiser. Six hundred and fifty dollars was raised to support local VMERG events. Employees signed approximately 100 post cards along with journals which will also be sent to deployed troops.
A tribute to the fallen soldiers of Ft Hood was created at a nearby table by Mark Montrose. On the table were name plaques of each fallen soldier accompanied by a single yellow rose. Employees stopped by the table and had a moment of silence to show their respect for our nation’s fallen heroes.
A big “Thank You” goes out to the many work groups including Reservations, Sales, Admiral’s Club, Flight Service, Gate, Ticket Counter, Management, Administrative and both American and American Eagle employees who help make this Veteran’s Day week special. I am honored to work for a great company along with caring co-workers. More photos can be viewed at
Susan “Sam” Seelbach
VMERG National President
Xerox is Doing Something Cool!
How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! It is FREE and it only takes a second.
This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you. Please take the time and pass it on for others to do. We can never say “Thank You” enough.
Thanks for taking to time to support our military!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Holiday Mail for Heroes
This is the time of year when emails circulate asking folks to send Christmas and holiday cards to 'Any Wounded Soldier' at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.....which, sad to say, you CANNOT do, due to security considerations. However, there IS still a way to get those cards to recovering soldiers at Walter Reed, and elsewhere.........
The American Red Cross again will sponsor a national “Holiday Mail for Heroes” campaign to receive and distribute holiday cards to service members, veterans and their families in the United States and abroad. The card campaign includes those working and receiving care at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
The American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes Inc., will partner for the third year to provide screening of all mail sent to the following P.O. Box address:
Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456
Cards should be postmarked no later than Dec. 7 to reach servicemembers recovering at Walter Reed.
People shouldn’t send cards to Walter Reed unless they are addressed to a specific wounded warrior.
Due to security restrictions, Walter Reed cannot accept generic mail addressed to “A Recovering Soldier” or “Any Soldier.” In past years, hundreds of cards were returned to senders and more recently thrown away because of generic addresses, many sent in response to misleading e-mails. Please pass this along to anyone you think might wish to send cards to recovering wounded troops.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Veteran's Day News Release
American Airlines, American Eagle and Employees Salute Veterans and Military Personnel
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wagon for Snowball Express Children
Thank you and all the VMERG & TWU Locals for their help and support of the Snowball Express wagon. The smile on the faces of these children will return your contribution tenfold. Your VMERG & TWU logo will be carved in the panels on the wagon and will be recognized wherever it is displayed. Your employees/members will be able to see the wagon in the Walk of Gratitude for Snowball Families, Cotton Bowl Parade, Two Ft. worth Stock Show Rodeos plus the Parade, Macy's Parade next year, Cheyenne Frontier Days and possibly in the Dallas Cowboy Half time program on Dec. 13, 2009. These are just a few of the venues we have lined up and we haven't even started soliciting others yet. We plan to use this wagon year round to bring awareness of the Children that have given such a huge sacrifice to our nation. I have attached a picture of the wagon, before we change out the carved panels.
Kevin Barker
Please send all Donations directly to: put in Note section of Check: "TWU-AA Wagon Project"
Snowball Express Dept D8256
PO Box 650002
Dallas TX 75265-002
Monday, November 9, 2009
Meet and Greet the Troops - DFW
Call 972-574-0392 for the military recording of the exact arrival time with the 12 hour window.
Time: 0730 - 1000
Where: Terminal D, Gate 22 - downstairs outside security
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Golden Corral's 9th annual Military Appreciation Monday
To date, Golden Corral restaurants have provided over 2.2 million free meals and contributed over $3.3 million to the Disabled American Veterans organization.
Details can be found here:
To locate a Golden Corral near you, visit
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Tribute to the Troops-Wounded Warriors Charter Flight
Visit any Stein Mart location in the Metroplex on November 10 & 11. For the Store nearest you go to Operation Send-Off Needs List:
Miscellaneous Items
• Men’s Underwear
• Ladies Underwear
• Men’s & Women’s socks to wear with Boots
• Ear Plugs
• Travel Pillows
• Batteries
• AT&T International Calling Cards
• Starbucks Coffee (16 oz. bags of coffee beans or instant)
Personal Items
• Lip Balm
• Travel Sized Toothpaste
• Travel Sized Foot Powder
• Travel Sized Toothbrushes
• Travel Sized Shaving Cream
• Travel Sized Deodorant
Snack Items
• Beef Jerky
• Regular Sized Candy Bars
• Peanuts/Mixed Nuts
• Sunflower Seeds
• Trail Mix
• Granola/Power Bars
• Peanut Butter or Cheese Crackers
• Chewing Gum
Operation Homefront's Holiday Toy Shop
December 3 - 1000-1500
December 4
0700-0800 opening activities
0900-1600 registration
0800-1600 elf shopping assistant
0800-1600 food and beverage
1600-1900 clean up
Anytime you can give is appreciated. National Guard Armory in Fayetteville, NC.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Dallas Veteran's Day Parade
Dallas, Texas Veteran's Day Parade Wednesday, November 11, 2009
For more information please send an email! Sign up on Jetnet under Employee Programs, American Volunteer.
Jack R. Barnes, US Navy Retired
President, America Supports You Texas
"Honoring All Who Served"
Veterans Day, November 11, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
In Jetwire Today
The Christian Employee Resource Group and Veteran Military Employee Resource Group are sponsoring a "wish-list" drive with USA Home Team, from Oct. 19 through Nov. 13, to provide needed items to two combat support hospitals in Iraq. Get the details about this and other upcoming company-related events on Jetnet's Event Calendar.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Skyball VII - October 24th
Hotel Accommodations:
If you are planning to attend either as a guest or a volunteer, here is the information regarding hotel accommodations at the Hampton Inn for Sky Ball: A block of 20 rooms has been set aside for Friday, October 23, 2009 - Sunday, October 25, 2009. The Sky Ball room rate is $69 per night plus tax, 15%. The blocked rooms have two queen beds and some with one king bed as well. This includes our complimentary breakfast daily 0600 – 1000 (6:00 am – 10:00am). To make reservations, call the hotel directly at (817) 439-0400, and request the “Sky Ball” rate. Please call by October 9, 2009 to make your reservation. Book early… these rooms are in high demand due to the Airshow going on at the same time.
Hotel Link:
Volunteer Party:
There will be a volunteer party Friday night before the day of the event at the Marriott. This event begins at 7pm and will include the guest performers and other guests of the event. Volunteers are encouraged to attend and meet and greet.
Birdies for the Brave

Volunteer for Operation Homefront of North Carolina!
Who: We are looking for 3-4 volunteers to help with the Birdies for the Brave tournament in Raleigh.
What: You would be working the Operation Homefront table (set up next to a tee on the course), collect donations and talk about our programs and services.
When: November 2, 2009, Opening Ceremony at 0930 and finish around 1700, they could use more morning volunteers.
Where: TPC Wakefield Plantation, Raleigh, NC
If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please contact Sam at
Chip Finley's run for OH!!

Supporting Our Troops and Helping the Families They Leave Behind
Operation Homefront of North Carolina (OHNC) welcomed Chip Finley, Vice President of North State Financial Services in Raleigh, NC, as a board member in August of 2009.
He has quickly gotten involved and is currently training for the upcoming 2009 Marine Marathon in Washington DC this October 25. Chip will be running to benefit Operation Homefront and is hoping to raise $2,620, which would equal $100 per mile.
Chip served in the Navy for 13 years (8 years active and 5 reserve) and has been enlisted in the North Carolina National Guard for 18 months.
The marathon is a few weeks away. Please visit Chip’s page ( to read about his training, mission and to help him reach his goal of $100 per mile.
Operation Homefront Mission Statement
Operation Homefront provides emergency assistance and morale to our troops, to the families they leave behind and to wounded warriors when they return home. A nonprofit 501(c)(3), Operation Homefront leads more than 4,500 volunteers in 30 chapters nationwide and has provided critical assistance to more than 45,000 military families in need. Operation Homefront also operates OH Online, an e-magazine and cyber gathering spot for military wives and women in uniform. Through this community, we reach the newest and youngest military families. It's how we provide them with information about our programs and resources to help them succeed in military life.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
US Naval Academy Performance from Kings Firecrackers
Thursday, October 1, 2009
NC Heroes Gala Video
Please take a moment to check out the hightlights of this spectacular evening.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
American Airlines has signed on as the first corporate sponsor for Texas-based Heroes on the Water (HOW), a volunteer organization that introduces injured military personnel to the therapeutic benefits of kayak fishing. "This partnership comes at a critical juncture in HOW's growth," said HOW National Coordinator Jim Dolan. "Heroes on the Water is expanding across the country, and American's sponsorship will greatly aid us in our effort to reach more soldiers."
Monday, September 21, 2009
Intrepid Event.
Sit back and watch this film and give thanks for those who give of themselves to protect us.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Heros Tables
Exceptional hand crafted tables created from quality hardwoods for our quality American Heroes.
Perfect Gift!
Hero Tables make a distinctive gift honoring our military service members, first responders, security agents and all those who make our country great!
Make it Special
Choose your design and select from a large number of plaques from Laser Wonders
5% of net proceeds to benefit Snowball Express: The charity for the children of our fallen miltary heroes.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Message from Michael Collins
I was thinking the other day about a posting I read on a Jetnet blog. The perception of this co-worker was that Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) divide colleagues and focus on differences rather than bring people together and celebrate their similarities.
My first reaction was surprise because I know our ERG's passion for inclusion and respect.
At the same time, it occurred to me that others might feel the same way as the blogger. So I appreciate the opportunity this created for a frank conversation about ERGs. Thank you.
First, let me begin my telling you that anyone is welcome and encouraged to join any ERG. An interest in making a difference is the only prerequisite to join an ERG -- not the color of your skin, your sexual orientation, age, or where or how you worship.
Test Your Knowledge Now!There are straight allies, like the married mother of two grown children who belongs to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLEAM) ERG because her son is gay; white employees who are members of the African American ERG because their nephew or niece is black. And, there is the Indian mom, who finds support and fellowship from ERG members in several groups, and belongs to Parents at Work and the Indian ERG.
What these employees have in common is the desire to get involved and work together to better our company, our work lives and our communities. They are eager to learn more about their co-workers' cultures or they have an interest in the challenges and opportunities that may be unique to a particular group or groups.
ERG members believe that everyone can and does make a difference at AMR. I urge you to get involved -- join an ERG -- any ERG. Whatever you do, create conversations with your co-workers. When you do, you may find that our similarities are more evident than our differences.
Warm regards,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Letters Home - A Military Appreciation Theater Performance
Monday, Nov 16 8:00p - Pembroke, NC
Tickets: $20, $18, $15* / $12 child or student$5 UNCP Student / $15 Faculty or Staff
Letters Home puts the current war in Iraq front and center by bringing to life actual letters written by soldiers serving in the Middle East. The production is inspired by the New York Times Op-Ed Article, The Things They Wrote and the subsequent HBO documentary, Last Letters Home and additionally uses letters and correspondences from Frank Schaeffer’s books, Voices From the Front, Letters Home From America’s Military Family, Faith of Our Sons, and Keeping Faith. The play without politicizing gives audiences a powerful portrait of the soldier experience in the ongoing war. The initial production last winter was critically acclaimed and was nominated for a Joseph Jefferson Award for “Outstanding New Play.”, September 10, 2009
Operation Homefront - North Carolina Chapter
Freedom Walk is a free, nonpartisan, inclusive event open to the general public. This is not a platform to discuss politics or policies. The purpose of this event is simply to continue the tradition Operation Homefront started to reflect on the lives lost on Sept. 11, renew our commitment to freedom and the values of our country, and to honor our military members.
Freedom Walk Locations:
Charlotte, NC: September 11, 2009 – 7:00-8:30 pm; Freedom Park, 1900 East Blvd.
Hope Mills, NC: September 12, 2009 – 10:00-11:30 am; Hope Mills Municipal Park, Rock Fish Road
Monday, August 24, 2009
NC Heros Gala
There wll be a meeting on Thursday, Aug 27th at 430p in E15 to finalize the time line for the gala.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 15th 430p-530p in C31.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Disney On A Dime - Military Discounts
Monday, August 3, 2009
Soldiers Angels July 2009 Bake Sale Results

I entered my hours of preparation as an independent activity in the American Volunteers site on the Employee Programs page of Jetnet. I called the event “Soldiers Angels Bake Sale.” There is an option to choose veterans/military under type of activity. If everyone would log their hours volunteered to support our military, the combined results could make for some great talking points for Captains Palmersheim and Blankenship, who are responsible for our Veterans Initiatives within American Airlines Corporate Communications. I would encourage everyone who participated to do so – it took a lot of small efforts to make this great effort come together and we want that to be appropriately represented.
Special thanks to the everyone who volunteered their time and energy towards making this effort happen!!! Thanks as well to the CERG and EWD for partnering with us in this effort to support our veterans!
I’m very proud of our team for another job well done!
Jody Berwick
Soldiers Angels Bake Sale Project Manager
VMERG-HDQ Vice Chair
Friday, July 31, 2009
NC Heroes Gala Hotel
La Quinta Inns and Suites
1001 Aerial Center Parkway
RDU-Morrisville, NC 27560
p. 919-481-3600 f. 919-460-1584
Guest Room Features
· Free wireless high-speed Internet access in all rooms · Dataport Phones
· Premium Cable Channels · Coffee Maker
· Hair Dryer · Iron with Ironing Board
· Voicemail · Alarm Clock
About This Hotel
· 11,000 La Quinta Returns points for a free night stay. Not a member? Join Now
· Free Bright Side Breakfast™ · Free Wireless High-Speed Internet Access
· Free Local Calls · Business Center
· Guest Laundry Facilities · Outdoor Swimming Pool
· Airport Shuttle Available · Airport Shuttle Notes: 4:30am-12am Daily
· Pets Welcome
Friday, July 24, 2009
VMERG's Newest Chapter
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Friday evening, July 17, 2009, the SERO VMERG held a Military Family Appreciation Movie Night. We welcomed 15 military family members into C31/32 with big smiles and to the aroma of freshly popped popcorn. The evening began with pizza, popcorn, drinks and fellowship. There was an activity table for the children to color/draw on before and during the movie.
After dinner, everyone gathered around for the main attraction. The adults relaxed on couches and comfy chairs while the children stretched out on body pillows provided by Michelle Walter. Vice Chair, Carolyn Barczik, aka Movie Theatre Attendant, provided us with an entertaining safety briefing. Immediately following the briefing, we watched the movie “Beverly Hills Chihuahua.”
As our guests were leaving, the adults were presented with a family photograph which was taken in front of the 777 in the lobby and each child was presented with an amenities kit filled with snacks and goodies.
This evening wouldn’t have been possible without the help of everyone involved. A big thank you goes out to Troy Wreggelsworth for helping to create a wide screen movie theatre atmosphere with the sight and sounds, Wade Oakes for the ice, Kathy Slotter and Stephanie Nicholson for helping greet our families and to Operations for offering to give directions and greet our guests. I would also like to thank Mark and Nicholas Montrose, Joel Adams, Wayne Moorefield, Stacey Kerch, Judy and Eric Lundberg, Bruce Chase, Michelle Walter, Sharon and Ed Ryder, Carolyn Barczik, Krista Leap, Patricia Seelbach, Joe Fish and Patsy Shepherd for helping set up, entertain and clean up!
Sam Seelbach
VMERG President
Check out the pictures by clicking on the link to the left!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
VMERG Member Organizes Box Drive
Monday, July 6, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Black Tie Event Honoring our Heroe
Saturday - August 29, 20097:00pm - 10:00pm National Guard Armory
2051 National Guard DriveMorrisville, NC
Contribution to Attend:
Honorary Committee* $150 per person
Attendee: $75 per person
$50 Veteran/Military
Please go to to register
*Honorary Committee names will be listed in the program and on the NC Heroes
Website All donations are 100% tax-deductible
Please refer questions to Susan Seelbach –
June 17, 2009 Press Release
Employees Announce Launch of Veteran Military Employee Resource Group
FORT WORTH, Texas, June 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- American Airlines, American Eagle and their employees are demonstrating an increased commitment to veterans and members of the military through the formation of a Veteran Military Employee Resource Group (VMERG) and increased support at the corporate level.
The VMERG, the first of its type in the U.S. airline industry, is a group of employees whose purpose is to promote the roles and contributions of veterans and active-duty military employees and to serve as a liaison between American Airlines and the veteran and military communities. The VMERG currently has chapters in Cary, N.C., Chicago and at American's headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas.
"We are very excited to have the opportunity to unite the volunteer efforts already given by so many American employees," said Susan "Sam" Seelbach, VMERG President. "Our employees are very passionate about providing support to the men and women, both active duty and veterans, who bear our nation's colors and protect our freedoms."
Seelbach noted that while employees have volunteered for many years, the corporate infrastructure and support gained from organizing into an employee resource group will further increase the group's impact. In addition to its long history of employee volunteerism for veterans and the military, American has long supported these brave men and women at a corporate level through a variety of initiatives, ranging from special travel benefits to events for wounded veterans and programs for the families of fallen heroes.
American provides special travel benefits to qualifying active members of the military, including waived baggage fees, discounts on leisure travel, preferred-seating upgrades, and complimentary Admirals Club admission. An estimated 10,000 active military service members were guests at American's Admirals Clubs last year.
"I am proud to be a part of a company that so consistently and clearly demonstrates a commitment to our military," said Capt. Steve Blankenship, Director - Veterans Initiatives at American, noting that more than 60 percent of pilots and approximately 10 percent of all American Airlines employees are active military service members or veterans.
In May alone, American, American Eagle and employee volunteers supported programs including:
Wounded Warrior Rodeo Roundup -- As the official airline of the Wounded Warrior Rodeo Roundup on May 29, American assisted with transportation for nearly 400 soldiers and family members from Killeen's Fort Hood, San Antonio's Brooke Army Medical Center and Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C., to Milano, Texas, for a fun-filled weekend complete with a private rodeo, live concert and bass fishing tournament. Vietnam veteran and actor Dale Dye, known for his roles in Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan, served as master of ceremonies.
Operation Iraqi Children "Thank-you" Event -- On May 28, American Airlines volunteers delivered thank-you letters to Grapevine Elementary School students from the Iraqi children who benefited from Operation Iraqi Children (OIC). In April, American and OIC partnered to transport more than 20 tons of cargo, including Crocs® shoes and school supplies, as well as letters from the Grapevine fifth-graders, for U.S. troops to deliver to Iraqi children. To see videos of the grateful Iraqi children receiving aid from OIC, go to
National Memorial Day Concert and Parade -- American was a sponsor of the national Memorial Day Concert, which aired nationwide on Sunday evening, May 24, on PBS. American also was the official airline of the nation's largest Memorial Day parade, in Washington, D.C., which attracted an estimated crowd of 300,000 and also aired on the Pentagon cable channel. American was represented in the parade by employees from its VMERG, the wife and children of U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Michael Elledge, who was killed in Iraq in 2008. The Elledges - Carleen, Caleb and Cassidy - have participated in Snowball Express, an organization that brings together and provides special programs for the families of fallen military heroes.
Race for Heroes -- On May 16, American sponsored the Race for Heroes at the Ballpark in Arlington, Texas. Nearly 1,500 participants joined 5K and 10K races to honor and pay tribute to the men and women who serve our country, with all proceeds benefiting Snowball Express. Special guests included retired Col. Ken Cordier, a Vietnam veteran who was a prisoner of war for more than six years.
Marine Fleet Week -- The United States Marine Corps launched its inaugural Marine Fleet Week in Chicago, May 11-17, as the city welcomed nearly 2,000 Marines. American's VMERG, led by Chicago Chapter Chairwoman Linda Kozma, hosted the first-ever celebration at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport to recognize the contributions of the Marines. The event included a gate dedication ceremony and a chronological "History of the Marines" museum exhibit on display at Gate K3 May 11-14. A special guest at the celebration was Brig. Gen. Melvin G. Spiese.
In addition to these events, VMERG is spearheading plans for a North Carolina Heroes Gala Aug. 29 in Raleigh-Durham to benefit area service men and women. Plans are also under way for the seventh annual Sky Ball at Alliance Airport, scheduled for Oct. 24 in Fort Worth.
About American Airlines
TUL Chapter
Check out the photos of their first meeting at
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
SERO Chapter Meeting
The menu will be pizza, popcorn and cookies.
We will gather in the North Wing between 1830 and 2100.
Let's show these families that the employees at the SERO are proud of what their families have sacrificed for our freedom.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Beach Blanket Bingo
The back of the hall was decorated with beach towels, a palm tree and a beach umbrella to enhance the beach theme. Bruce Chase called 5 bingo games and kept everyone entertained. The winners of each game were presented with a gift bag full of goodies and a framed photo, printing by Wayne Moorefield, of them accepting their prize from our bathing suit beauty. Quarters collected during our April Hotdog/Bake Sale were distributed to the residents attending as each player received a money pouch containing $2.00 in quarters and book mark.
Once bingo was complete, volunteers served nutritious appetizers, deliciously created by Mark Montrose, to the residents and mingled while beach music played in the background. Nursing home staff members joined in the festivities and all were pleased with the event. The residents were extremely grateful, departed the event with smiles on their faces and made comments asking when we were planning on returning. With that said, we have begun planning a Harvest Moon event this fall!
To view pictures of the Beach Blanket Bingo, click on the photo link to the left.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Chicago Marine Week
Please click on the following link for more information:
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Red Fridays - Show of Support for our Troops
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Jetnet Blog Challenge!
Currently there are only 18 comments and I know we have more than 18 people within AA who appreciate and support our military. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and making this blog successful!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Taking Chance