Supporting Our Troops and Helping the Families They Leave Behind
Operation Homefront of North Carolina (OHNC) welcomed Chip Finley, Vice President of North State Financial Services in Raleigh, NC, as a board member in August of 2009.
He has quickly gotten involved and is currently training for the upcoming 2009 Marine Marathon in Washington DC this October 25. Chip will be running to benefit Operation Homefront and is hoping to raise $2,620, which would equal $100 per mile.
Chip served in the Navy for 13 years (8 years active and 5 reserve) and has been enlisted in the North Carolina National Guard for 18 months.
The marathon is a few weeks away. Please visit Chip’s page (http://www.active.com/donate/OpHomeFront2009MCM/chipfinley) to read about his training, mission and to help him reach his goal of $100 per mile.
Operation Homefront Mission Statement
Operation Homefront provides emergency assistance and morale to our troops, to the families they leave behind and to wounded warriors when they return home. A nonprofit 501(c)(3), Operation Homefront leads more than 4,500 volunteers in 30 chapters nationwide and has provided critical assistance to more than 45,000 military families in need. Operation Homefront also operates OH Online, an e-magazine and cyber gathering spot for military wives and women in uniform. Through this community, we reach the newest and youngest military families. It's how we provide them with information about our programs and resources to help them succeed in military life.
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