List of Events

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Landing On Target!


It is what an Employee Resource Group (ERG) is all about.  When an ERG can step outside of its box and include other people and other ERGs, it exhibits what we all strive for….diversity and inclusion in all that we do.

On 27 JAN, VMERG was able to collaborate with the  Abilities Resource Group to bring to HDQ1 an exciting and uplifting event where SFC Dana Bowman (ret) was the keynote speaker.  I think it is safe to say that about 200 people showed up to hear SFC Bowman speak.

If you have ever had the chance to hear SFC Bowman speak, you know that we had an amazing motivational presentation. 

SFC Bowman is a double leg amputee and accomplished adventurer.  He continues to sky dive, scuba dive, hunt, run….the list is endless and truly uplifting.  His story continues to bring tears to my eyes and uplift me in ways that I continue to cherish. 

As I was listening to his presentation one thing stood out for me personally…..

“It is never too late to pursue or accomplish those things that you are afraid of.”

That statement could not be more true.

Pause….sip coffee….contemplate….continue.

What are you afraid of?  What have you put off accomplishing? 

Speaking from experience I can say that one of the things I continually put off was the completion of my Ph.D.  I sat around for years saying that “coulda woulda” thing without really taking action to complete anything! 

What was really going on was the fear that I would not be able to complete the requirements of obtaining my Ph.D. because of my age and the fact that I had been out of school for so long.  Going on, umm, 40ish,  I put it off and put if off until one day I came to realize that it didn’t matter how old I was.  I have always been driven and determined and I wasn’t going to let age get the best of me. 


Listening to SFC Bowman speak reminded me that I should always “land on target.”  No matter how, where or when, or what may try to stop me, I will always…

Land on Target!

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