List of Events

Monday, March 22, 2010

"The Pacific" Video Tribute Campaign

If you get the opportunity, visit the C.R. Smith Museum before the end of May and stop by the HBO kiosk to record a personal message of thanks to our veterans and active duty military.  Please share with your members and remember a simple thank you goes a long way.
PS. If you haven't had the chance to tune into "The Pacific" on HBO, you are missing out. It can be a little difficult to watch as it paints the picture for those of us who have not had to fight in a war of just what these heroes really have gone through.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Green Beret Foundation

The United States Army Special Forces, commonly known as the Green Berets, produces some of our nation’s finest and most elite warriors. They fight across a broad spectrum of missions in the pursuit of freedom for those oppressed and to protect our nation from those who seek to do us harm. They are known as our country's quiet professionals. The Green Berets have been defending our nation against its enemies throughout the last 5 decades in times of peace and war.

The liberties we enjoy as Americans don’t come without a cost. The Special Forces bear the burden of having the highest number of wounded personnel of any other U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) proponent. The Green Beret Foundation serves these quiet professionals who bravely serve the American people and its freedoms.

In an effort to fill the gaps in support left by the boundaries of other organizations, the GBF facilitates assistance to our wounded, ill and injured Special Forces soldiers and their families. We do this by providing resources to ease the burdens of some of the financial hardships that arise in their time of need as well as improving the quality of life for the soldier and the family.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Point Man International Ministries

Point Man International Ministries ( is a service organization with an evangelical purpose that keeps Jesus Christ as its focal point. PMIM acts as a referral service to connect hurting veterans and their families to their Outpost and Home Front system for continued support and fellowship. These support groups are available at no charge, and utilize the gospel of Jesus Christ and Biblical principles to facilitate healing and restoration. The local DFW Outpost and Home Front operates out of Gateway Church in Southlake and meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 7pm of each month. It is open to all active duty military, veterans, and their families. For more information about the group, please email or call 817-683-7728.

PMIM also participates in national conferences, international publishing, radio and television as well as other forms of media to help educate and raise awareness of the needs of veterans around the world.

WWII Pacific Veterans Honor Flight to DC

The following two news stories highlights the send off of WWII Pacific Veterans from Miami and Boston on their way to DC to see the premier of HBO's new miniseries "The Pacific".
Miami    Boston

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rockford IL Air Fest 2009

The ORD VMERG Chapter successfully participated in the Rockford IL Air Fest last year and helped secure both an AA and Eagle static display. The following YouTube link highlights events of the weekend which shows both the AA 737-800 and Eagle ERG145 landing -

Here is a link to the Latitude Magazine article Latitude Magazine Article

The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) offers cutting-edge training in entrepreneurship and small business management to post 9/11 military veterans disabled as a result of their service. For more information go to

Full Throttle With the Blue Angels

What a ride!


American is transporting two special groups of World War II veterans to Washington, D.C., so they can be recognized for their service. On March 10, American partnered with HBO and The Honor Flight Network to bring 250 WWII veterans who served in the Pacific for a visit to the World War II Memorial. The group will travel on AA's "Flagship Liberty." The special charter begins in Chicago and make stops to pick up veterans in Cleveland, New York and Boston. 

AA is also flying 382 former Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), the first women in history trained to fly American military aircraft, from around the country to Washington, D.C., where they will receive the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor from President Obama.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


American Airlines will be flying a large group of WASPs to Washington D.C. for the Congressional Gold Medal ceremony being held on March 10th at the Capital Building. During World War II, a select group of young women pilots became pioneers, heroes and role models...they were the Women Airforce Service Pilots, WASP, the first women in history trained to fly American military aircraft.

"This is not a time when women should be patient. We are in a war and we need to fight it with all our ability and every weapon possible. WOMEN PILOTS, in this particular case, are a weapon waiting to be used."
Eleanor Roosevelt, 1942

"You don't need legislation to prove something... you can be whatever you set your  heart and head to be, and don't let anybody tell you can't be, because 1078 women pilots did it in World War II."
WASP Annelle Henderson Bulechek44-W-2

Learn more about WASPs on the web:

Final Home Coming

Paying respect to CPL Daniel T. O'Leary who gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country on February 23, 2010.

Lowe’s Expands Support of the Military with Year-Round Discount

10 Percent Discount for Active, Reserve, Retired and Disable Military Personnel and Immediate Family